Kicking off the site…


Hey y’all – the official Sabu site is finally up, and we are jazzed. Sabu is off to an appearance this weekend. He’s all over the place, but excited about his new site that will bring everything together.

This is Kenny Casanova here, representing Team Sabu, for the moment. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a ghostwriter of a number of wrestler autobiographies. These include Kamala Speaks, and the upcoming Vader, & Brutus Beefcake. I’ll be helpping some with content for the site.

Liz Savage, writer for BET Wrestling, is also part of the team, and will be also doing a bang-up job for this project. My guess is she will be Sabu Superglue that holds everything together. She’s the one that figured out the right SHOP layout to use! Big ups!

Most importantly, you will also be hearing a whole lot from Super Genie, aka Melissa Coates, as this webpage is her brainchild.

For those of you who are not up-to-date on Sabu’s current situation, Sabu has representation, yo.

After utilizing the tutelage of Bill Alfonzo in ECW, Sabu flew solo for a long time. However, one night when he was really down and out, he rubbed just the right lamp and his wish came true. Super Genie drifted into his career and became Sabu’s full time manager.

So what is in store for the official website of Sabu? Glad you asked…

DATES – The whole point of this page is to offer up-to-date information to Sabu fans about appearances and signings around the world.

SHOP SABU – Lastly, also will be used as a tool to offer official merchandise to fans around the world – direct from the man himself…

The Homicidal…

